Sunday, October 15, 2006 |
Windows CE with Windows XP Embedded
Windows CE with Windows XP Embedded
microsoft window with the microphone gives, thing system everybody will be able to develop the renovation product in early rising in order, a lead role from the microsoft market which is the tile always it does. With the Korean microphone soft the microsoft system developers who are 2006 October 16th and relation industry minutes it introduced the most up-to-date technique of the microsoft window software development field which in the object is soft with the microphone, it introduces technical information of the subject which is various everybody will be able to apply rightly in practical affairs Technical Seminar where it prepared. This time seminar from the specialist of each field November which comes the up-to-date development tool chest which is used in the microsoft window OS product introductions which are soft with the microphone come into the market newly and System & Application developments is composed of hour year and the development methodological back and it means becomes the chance which is the possibility of getting information which is more beneficial. Also it means also the chance with the various specialists solution time of war and demonstration of the enterprise which is various it will lead and it will be able to interchange will be provided. Microsoft OEM Technical Seminar Taipei, Seoul and Shanghai, propaganda, Beijing and Bombay, china, Kualalumpur, extend in the Singapore back Asia whole and it is an event which is held continuously. The seminar which is opened from October 16th Seoul in that will be the biggest event, everybody it will miss and will stand and it means becomes the seminar which is beneficial will not become. It confronts to the global seminar and to want more information the cotton, under visiting shear everybody it confirms a near area event it wishes a lower part site.
posted by anyong @ 9:23 AM  |
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